Monday, June 11, 2007

The Secret Weight Loss Machine by: Paul Reeve

There is a piece of equipment available in many gyms and homes that has been shown in tests to be unsurpassed for assisting in your weight loss goals - want to know what it is?

The Treadmill - exercising on Treadmills has helped many people to achieve their weight loss goals - and it can help you too.

Treadmills can be used by virtually any age group, and by individuals of any activity level. Treadmills can help you lose weight, and maintain your weight loss. It really is a numbers game. The more time you spend engaged in physical exercise the more calories you are going to burn and consequently the more pounds you will lose.

If you are searching for fitness equipment that will not only burn fat, but will also raise your metabolism to continue burning fat long after youve stopped exercising, then a treadmill should be at the top of your list.

The treadmill is matchless for cardiovascular exercise. According to a recent study, calories burned on the treadmill for 60 minutes averaged 865 - 705. Compare this figure to the following:

Stair machine 746 - 637
Rowing machine 739 - 606
Stationary cycle 604 - 556
Cross-country ski machine 678 - 595

As you can see the treadmill comes out as the number one cardiovascular machine.

If you would like to develop your own weight loss treadmill program here are some ideas:

Be creative - make your Treadmill session pleasurable, listen to music or audio books on your MP3 player. Some people prefer to just take the opportunity to think or just day dream. The more you enjoy your Treadmill session, the more likely you are to exercise on your treadmill regularly.

Try to exercise daily. Working out on your Treadmill regularly makes your weight loss goals much more likely to happen than if you are only working out only when the mood takes you. Most people that make the switch will tell you that it's easier to workout every day. You don't have to think about whether it's a workout day or not and get prepared for it - just exercise on your treadmill every day - your body will become accustomed to it. It will soon become part of your routine and you will begin to look forward to it.

Try to mix in some interval training into your Treadmill sessions each week. Interval training consists of brief periods (about one minute) of more intense exercise incorporated into your Treadmill workouts. You may do a one minute interval of faster walking about every five minutes throughout your workout. Start with a three to five minute warm-up and then five minutes into your walk you do your first interval, one minute of faster walking. At the end of that minute you should be out of breath and ready to slow down. Slow down to your regular walking speed for the next four minutes and then your fifth minute is another one minute interval. Repeat this throughout your workout.

By this means you can increase your aerobic fitness level to the limits of your ability. You are in essence crossing the anaerobic threshold into anaerobic metabolism, this forces your body to accept more intense exercise which will in turn make your weight loss gains more achievable.

By increasing your basal metabolic rate, interval training cause you to burn more calories a day, and make your exercise less monotonous. Interval training also helps the time pass more quickly. Try walking on your Treadmill with light hand weights of between one and two pounds weight for two to three days per week. Swing your arms and also use a variety of arm movements while walking. This will increase your basal metabolic rate and tone your upper body muscles.

Try to do your Treadmill workout first thing in the day. Most people who workout regularly, do so first thing in the morning. If YOU want to exercise regularly, you are more likely to succeed by being an "early bird"

In order to add a bit more variety to your routine set one day of the week aside to be your "easy day". This should be a very leisurely session. Consider how good your walks are starting to feel as you continue to lose weight and tone your body.

You have probably heard the expression "if you can't measure it, then it doesn't exist". With this in mind make sure that you record your progress. Record the date and time-of-day of your workout, and the distance and/or time you walked. Record the total of the miles or minutes you've walked. Your thoughts or feelings for that particular workout can also be logged.

All of the above measures will help to ensure that your Treadmill Exercise Session is that one special time of day to take care of yourself. Don't let anyone or anything keep you from your special time with your Treadmill. Working out on your Treadmill every day will help you achieve your weight loss goals and have a positive impact on all aspects of your life, including physical, mental, and emotional health.

If we only consider the issue of weight loss, the Treadmill is significantly superior to any other exercise machine given its associated energy expenditure. While other fitness equipment "fads" gather dust Treadmills have consistently provided quality results and lasting benefits. Treadmills allow you to work at your own pace, but don't allow you to slack off. You'll be able to burn calories efficiently and attain your weight loss targets.

If you're in the market to seriously educate yourself about Exercise Treadmills, visit where you can obtain more detailed information.

About The Author
Paul Reeve is a Personal Trainer, Presenter and Lecturer for Fitness Professionals, Sports Organizations, Sport Coaches, Corporate Organizations. Get FREE expert advice on treadmills from his Online Assistant team at

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Get Slim While You Sleep - Review

"Amazing New Discovery, Guarantees Weight-Loss, Eliminates Dieting... And Can slash Up To 29 Pounds Of Embarrasing Fat From Your Body Almost Overnight - Without Wasting 1 Minute Of your Day!"

"35 pounds lost in 16 weeks..."

"Thank you for making such an amazing product. I have been listening to my "Get Slim While You Sleep" every night since Christmas. I have never been a great dieter and over the years the weight has crept on. The audio has changed my way of thinking, no pills, shakes or expensive foods and gyms.

I eat healthy normal small meals, three times a day. I am disciplined thanks to "Get Slim While You Sleep". However other things have changed I want to get out there and walk, drink more water and I seemed to be focused on losing my weight.

The weight-loss is not overnight. (Good, I didn't want saggy baggy skin) I sleep a lot better, I wake with energy and I no longer feel sluggish.

In 16 weeks I have lost 35 pounds. Now at my goal weight I still listen to you every night to keep me motivated and on the right track. What a great product. Thank you Get Slim While You Sleep for giving me my old self back again. No saggy baggy skin just me looking beautiful.

I have recommended your product to my friends as I think you treat the whole person not just what goes into our mouths. Thank you so much."

- Su Morgan Auckland, New Zealand

10 Weight Loss Busters You Shouldn't Eat by: Eva Moffat

1. Fried Foods That Are Frightening
2. Steakhouse Stories That Scare
3. Manufacturers Mislead Many
4. Burgers That Are Bigger and Biggest
5. Awful Appetisers
6. Cakes and Cookies That Are Calorie Clogged
7. Diet Drinks That Deceive
8. High Calorie Horrors
9. Diet Disasters When Dining Out
10. Super Sized Servings That Sabotage Your Diet

1. Fried Foods That Are Frightening

Deep fried foods are nutritionally bad for you. If you enjoy going to fairs and carnivals, you may well be tempted to eat the strangest of concoctions. It's amazing just what has been thrown into the deep fryer in the name of creativity. But the only thing you are going to create is havoc with your weight loss diet.

2. Steakhouse Stories That Scare

Your local neighbourhood restaurant or steakhouse may be a Nutritional Nightmare. Fried onions that are considered a Starter Dish are so full of Calories, Fat, Saturated Fat and with a high Salt content. And to go from bad to worse, the onions are usually served with a sauce that has even more Calories, Fat and Salt. For the sake of your health, be sure you know your onions.

3. Manufacturers Mislead Many

Foods that are often labelled as healthy are just the opposite. Marion Nestle PhD, MPH a New York University Nutritional Professor in her book ‘What To Eat,' talks of ‘Fruit Snacks' that have absolutely no fruit in them but were just laden with sugar. Don't believe the adverts, read the labels carefully then decide for yourself if it's right for you.

4. Burgers That Are Bigger and Biggest

Burgers are getting bigger and bigger. Burger King and others are taking a bun and piling on as many as four burgers, plus slices of cheese and strips of bacon. Just one of these burgers will give you more Calories than you should eat if having three meals a day. If you really do want a burger, try ordering a plain burger. It could be served with a sauce, but it should be on the side not on top. That will save you eating more Calories than you need.

5. Awful Appetisers

How about a Fundido as a snack before the main meal? A Fundido is made up of a combination of cheese, pepperoni, bacon and sausage served with bread sticks. If you are on a weight loss diet, a Fundido is a nutritional no-no.

6. Cakes and Cookies That Are Calorie Clogged

You are tempted to have a square of Starbucks Old Fashioned Crumb Cake to go with your coffee but that little square has 670 Calories in it. And a piece of Cheesecake has enough Calories in it to make a mess of your weight loss diet, but the Cheesecake Factory adds Chocolate Candy, Mousse etc. Nice for a treat once a year, but for the rest of the year … DON'T.

7. Diet Drinks That Deceive

High Calorie drinks are so deceptive. They don't need chewing and go down real easy and they don't fill you up. So how can this innocent looking cup of coffee be loaded with 490 – 580 Calories? It could be the chocolate or cream that is added. To avoid piling on the Calories, order a small size cup of coffee with low fat milk and sweeteners.

8. High Calorie Horrors

When you are out shopping at the Mall you may be tempted by the delicious aromas of coffees, spicy pies and the mouth watering smell of freshly made doughnuts. But giving in to temptation could mean you may consume a day's worth of Calories in one delicious but none essential piece of confectionery. Ok I'm being a spoil sport but, for the sake of your health and weight loss diet, you would be better to take along a snack of crackers and nuts or raw veggies. Enjoy.

9. Diet Disasters When Dining Out

Two decades ago, dining out was already beginning to be a disaster for the person who was on a weight loss diet. The menu offered high Calorie foods. Things haven't improved over the years; in fact they have become worse. On the menu in restaurants are such things as fried macaroni and cheese and cheese fries. Just oozing with fat and packed with Calories. In order to keep to your diet change into a fluffy bunny rabbit and talk yourself into eating and enjoying salads.

10. Super Sized Servings That Sabotage Your Diet

Have you noticed how it's not just fast food meals that have got bigger? So have bagels, pasta servings, salads and sandwiches. If you go out to a restaurant for a meal, most of the meals on the menu are going to be around 1 000 Calories. The question to ask yourself is, do I really need this food? As Michelle May MD, author of ‘Am I Hungry?' and ‘What To Do When Diets Don't Work' said, that ‘Once a person indulges in a decadent dessert or monster burger, it triggers the ‘I've already blown my diet, so why bother,' mentality. Beyond that, May believes, the real horror may be the American mind set about food. We were raised to clean the plate, so we could be rewarded with a dessert, which further enhances our desire to eat sweets and meals without recognition of fullness,' she says.

If you want to keep to your weight loss diet, learn what foods are best for you and avoid the ones that sabotage it.

About The Author
Eva Moffat an Ex- Nurse has helped many people with their Weight Loss problems over the years. Now it is your turn to be helped. For more of Eva’s practical help, visit Eva’s Weight Loss Site. Click on the link below

Silk on Today

Stephanie Silk models slimming undergarments on Today.

Slimming Solutions by: Nitin Jain

Here are 5 solutions to slimming:

1. Set Mini-Goals: Try setting short-term or "mini" goals to help you achieve your goal of shedding the excess weight. Keep in mind that your mini goals should be specific and realistic, and they should have a measurable outcome. Setting your target in specific, measurable terms will increase your chances of accomplishing your long term goal of losing those unwanted pounds. In addition, remember to be realistic. If you've been consuming over 2000 calories, dont try cutting back to 1400 overnight. And if you haven't exercised all year, dont aim to run three miles each day.

2. Budget your foods: If you can budget your money, you can budget your foods. Aim to have a specific amount of fruits, vegetables, starches, proteins and fats throughout the day, or for each meal. By limiting the amounts of each type of food, you will be able to stay within a calorie level that will enable you to loose weight.

3. Keep a food journal: Keeping a food journal helps you to avoid what is called "unconscious eating" - eating that leads to consumption of excess calories, beyond what you may have ever intended to consume. In fact, research actually shows that keeping a food journal will help you to loose weight!

If emotional eating is a big sticking point for you, then journaling your moods, such as stress, boredom or anger can help you pinpoint problem areas, which in some cases may serve as triggers to overeating. Once you understand the problem, you can find a solution that does not involve opening the boxes of cookies or the jar of jellybeans.

4. Get moving: If you dont have time to get to the gym or to your aerobics class, be sure to engage in some physical activity at some point during the day. Believe it or not, even light physical activity can help you shed excess pounds and get into shape.

Burning an extra 500 calories each day will help you to loose one pound per week. So, be sure to take advantage of the longer days with outside walks and outdoor activities. In addition to burning excess calories, getting out of the house to get your body moving will keep you away from the refrigerator.

5. Drink lots of water: Water will help to curb your appetite; it will also keep you hydrated during the hot months ahead, And here is an added bonus: Cold water helps you to burn calories! That's right - the process of bringing cold water to your body's own temperature involves expending energy, or calories. So carry a water bottle with you at all times, and aim for at least eight ounce glasses each day (or ten if you exercise).

Read more health articles here:

About The Author
Educational guide to vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbs for a healthier life - If you wish to reproduce the above article you are welcome to do so, provided the article is reproduced in its entirety, including this resource box and LIVE link to our website.

Slimming smoothie

Slimming Smoothie